WIR: Brain Injury and Gut Permeability

https://neurosciencenews.com/tbi-intestines-8137/?fbclid=IwAR1yM_DNbwPD4bKFRQbIsoOaSVBwmy11egwtqxQ_6dP4vJqUxsoPWjsnn3U Traumatic Brain Injury causes gut permeability, which helps explain why TBI patients are at a higher risk of blood infections post injury. “Researchers have

WIR: Vitamin D3 supplementation to help ease sunburn

Article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170706125020.htm?fbclid=IwAR0yBLel_CstSBDWriVUtY8Qt5BeWjaNQjHjxKQOaO_yL9WnxvoF-Ftnn34 Research Paper: https://www.jidonline.org/article/S0022-202X(17)31558-0/fulltext This is something that I have put into practice for myself and I find it really works. I think we